Does installing games slow down computer
Place a check in the Run this program in compatibility mode for: box. Tap or click the drop down box and select a previous operating system, then tap or click OK. You may refer to: Make older programs compatible with this version of Windows information holds good for Windows 10 as well. Hope this information is helpful. Please feel free to reply in case you face any other issues with Windows in future.
An amendment: the problems I had been having have not persisted. More recently, perhaps after a number of Windows updates, my system seems stable. The games I enjoy now seem to run, dare I say, better in Win 10 than ever. Thanks to anyone that tried to help by replying to this post.
I am was also having the same issue. Not lacking in horsepower with a Falcon Northwest PC and twin video cards after upgrading to Windows 10 all my games that ran flawlessly in Windows 7 are now almost unplayable, even with the latest GeForce Experience NVidia drivers and after hours of research, reinstalling drivers and tinkering nothing has helped.
After the Win 10 update GeForce settings that were by default high are now low by default and fps are dismal on anything but the lowest graphic settings. I like many aspects of Win 10 - this is not one of them.
I very much like many aspects of Windows 10 and apologize for over reacting and making an absolute statement claiming all games are unplayable. Like so many previous operating systems it takes time to level the playing field.
Hi, After i'd upgraded to windows 10, to my dismay, I have observed that the games are running too slow rendering it almost unplayable. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.
I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Previous Next. Hi, Thank you for contacting Microsoft Community. Your interest in Windows 10 is much appreciated. I suggest you to update the Graphics card drivers and check if it helps: Click on 'Start' and type 'Device Manager' in the start search box and press enter. Right-click on drivers and update it. If there are no update available, then go ahead and reinstall the driver by clicking on 'Uninstall'.
How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. In reply to A. User's post on August 3, MrDJ , Jul 22, The temps im receiving when the pc is idle is around the low to mid 50s, and when fully gaming, the high 60s and rarely the low 70s.
Where did you hear games can slow down a PC? Not true HTWingNut , Jul 22, Jarhead , Jul 22, Just a note James D , Jul 22, It's not relevant. Games do not slow down your computer - general everyday use does, over time. There's no need to worry about it. While it's not as big of a problem as it once was, many free programs try to foist junk third-party software on you with pre-selected checkboxes. If you click Next without thinking, you could end up with extra trash on your system just from installing a few useful apps.
In the worst cases, this can even lead to malware getting on your system. You can open yourself to infection and a slow computer by opening a malicious email attachment that installs spyware, or similar. The lesson here is to make sure you always know what you're clicking on. Take the extra second to confirm you aren't missing a hidden checkbox or clicking on something that's dangerous.
This will keep garbage off your PC that only serves to slow it down. Windows 10 is better than ever at taking care of some maintenance tasks on its own. But it isn't perfect, so you'll have to perform some basic tune-ups every once in a while.
Making sure you take care of these could be the difference between your laptop running slowly and working at peak performance. Below we take a look at a few routine highlights that pertain to speed; these are just a few of the Windows maintenance tasks you should do more often.
As your system works, it builds up files that are only needed for a short time. This is a normal part of computer operation, but if you let these files pile up, they can start to take a toll on speed after a while. This is especially the case if you have a small SSD that fills up quickly.
For additional options, search for Disk Cleanup in the Start Menu. While your antivirus is likely set up to scan on a schedule, it's wise to get a second opinion and scan with a dedicated anti-malware app occasionally.
Malwarebytes is a great choice for this, since the free version only scans on-demand. It's much better to catch malware with a scan than to find that your computer is running slowly weeks later.
Aside from this, Windows has some other scans you can run for maintenance, but you shouldn't need to do so often. These include chkdsk and sfc. The check disk command, or chkdsk , scans your hard drive for bad sectors that can cause your computer to act up. If you have an SSD in your machine, this isn't as pertinent. But if you notice a sudden slowdown and still have an old HDD in your computer, it's worth a try.
System file checker, or sfc , is a similar command. This scans Windows system files and attempts to repair any that are corrupt. Typically, you'll run these commands when troubleshooting an issue. But doing them every month or so can help you catch problems before they get worse.