Dominion wars pc game

Federation ships exhibit the technological prowess of Federation science and the renowned skill of Starfleet's finest officers, Cardassian ships are ruthless and cunning, and Dominion ships cold and calculatingly brutal.

As a last resort the Jem'Hadar fighters will even ram their opponents in a suicidal manoeuvre. All of this takes place in front of your eyes, replete with rather impressive moving pictures, and all the Star Trek sound effects, voices and music any fan could possibly want. Resources can be switched from one ship to another, and they can each be assigned different tasks, such as guarding a fellow ship, circling the enemy, or attacking a base, with a number of objectives given for each mission.

At first look, it's a fairly in-depth approach, and it's shaping up to be a game for the hardcore Star Trek strategist. If you can bear the tension, we'll be bringing you an in-depth review any time soon, maybe even as early as next issue.

That would be nice. Space sims, 3D real-time strategy, first-person shooters, point-and-click adventures, online Top Trumps rubbish and tum-based boredom - all genres done to death over the years through dozens of Star Ttek games, most, until recently, utter toss. Star Ttek, like Star Wars , is of course better suited to some genres than others and in the realm of space strategy, a genre Dominion Wars occupies alongside the similar Starfteet Command, there seem to be few equals.

But where is Star Ttek: Deep Space Nine - The SimS 1 Surety a game where you start out in the crew quarters, and go to work in Quark's bar and try and chat up tri-breasted ladies would be a winner.

Reviewed in this very issue is Startopia , a game that with DS9s licence and back story could have been a Trekkies dream come true. There were two kinds of Deep Space Nine episodes. Because most of these episodes sent the audience into a frenzy of boredom and desperation, the second kind was introduced. These were the massive space battles between the Federation, Klingons, Dominion and Cardassians, with the kind of lavish special effects that a Hollywood sci-fi production would be proud of.

It only works with Nvidia. Doesn't work. Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like. We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible.

If the manual is missing and you own the original manual, please contact us! MyAbandonware More than old games to download for free! Browse By Download MB. Captures and Snapshots Windows. See older comments 3. Write a comment Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like.

Using several Akira -class ships, you must rescue him from a Keldon -class ship. A Dominion ketracel-white facility must be destroyed, as must the orbital weapon platforms protecting it, the sensor grid and any enemy ships. The time has come to take back Deep Space 9. All Dominion ships must be destroyed. A Dominion shipyard must be destroyed, as well as its sensor array. The Dominion and the Breen have launched an offensive against Earth. All Dominion and Breen ships must be destroyed.

All starbases must be protected. The attack on Cardassia Prime has begun. All enemy ships must be destroyed. The troop transports must also be protected, to launch ground assaults.

The game ends with the Dominion Alliance fleet being decimated and Admiral Ross welcoming the new era of peace between people of Alpha Quadrant and the Dominion. Dominion Wars is hampered first and foremost by the very odd and unsatisfying method of controlling your ships.

Although the universe is presented in three fabulous dimensions, you can only travel through two of them. It's a situation comparable to being on a tiny day cruiser that pulls up next to a Carnival Cruise ocean behemoth -- the really fancy stuff is right there before your eyes, but you're not going to get any of it.

Obviously, creating a RTS game in three dimensions would be unbelievably complicated to design, let alone play, so perhaps the creators can be excused. But, teasing you by offering a look into three dimensions from a perspective behind your ship or fleet, and then permitting you to travel on only one plane, eliminates the potential excitement of real-time maneuvering. The 20 missions provided for the solo player are linear, yet suffer from a lack of continuity.


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